Three tier client server architecture divides system into three tiers, data access layers, application layer and business access layer. This in turn helps in increasing scalability and efficiency.
In this comprehensive article, we’ll navigate through the each of three tier architecture. For instance, the users want to make a change the UI from windows to phone, he only has to make a change in UI layer,other layers arent affected by this change. Likewise, if the users want to make a change in database, the user only has to make a change in the database layer, rest everything remains the same.
By the end, you’ll have a profound understanding on different tier architectures, and examples to guide your journey.
Presentation Layer
The top most layer of the application is user interface. The Presentation Layer is the top layer of the architecture. This is related to user interface what user sees. It translates the tasks and results in the users to understand.
Before you go into the details regarding the various aspects of process involved in presentation layers, let’s first talk about their benefits in brief. Here are the key benefits of this layer.
Data compability
The presentation layer is the layer that ensures that the data is compatible betweent the systems regardless of encoding system and data formats.
Business Access Layer(BAL)
Before we dive into the process, make sure you have all the pre requistion in place.

Data Access Layer
Data Access Layer is a layer in the computer program that provides access to the persistent storage in a database.
In conclusion, three tier architecture is dividing the project into three layers, that are User Interface Layer, Business Layer, and Databas Layer, where we separate UI, logic and data in three divisions.